After the quest, Grover earns his searcher’s license and leaves to look for Pan. Percy Wooden Train (1 - 33 of 33 results) Price () Shipping All Sellers Thomas the Train Wooden Train Vintage Thomas Wooden Railway Toy Trains Imaginarium Toy Trains 60th Percy Train (704) 17.20 INSTRUCTIONS to build a LEGO Percy the Small Engine (GWR Saddle Tank 'Trojan') (19) 10.
He doesn’t always know exactly what’s going on, but he’s always more than ready to help his friends when they need it. This drawing tutorial will teach you how to draw a cute chibi / kawaii / cartoon version of Percy Jackson with his Sword and Shield in easy step by step draw. Find something memorable, join a community doing good.

For much of the novel, Grover acts as a voice of reason and as someone who can interpret Percy’s conflicted emotions. However, Grover also goes because his friendship with Percy is genuine and strong. Grover agrees to go on Percy’s quest in part so that he can prove himself to the Council-he desperately wants to become a searcher so he can go look for the god Pan, and he must complete a keeper’s assignment first. Grover has to live with the guilt and the knowledge that he’s the reason Thalia is dead, even though Percy and Annabeth insist that Grover did the right thing. He did manage to save Luke and Annabeth instead, but the Council of Cloven Elders failed Grover on his assignment anyway. This is because, five years before the novel begins, Grover’s first keeper assignment went horribly: he was assigned to protect Thalia, Zeus’s demigod daughter, but he failed to do so. Grover’s personality reflects Percy’s initial read on the kind of person Grover is: Grover is capable of being brave when he has to be, but he’s generally disinterested in conflict and considers himself a failure. Percy believes that Grover is a normal kid up until the Minotaur attacks and Grover reveals that he’s a mythical creature who’s been sent to protect Percy from monsters. Additionally, Grover must fit his cloven hooves into human shoes using Styrofoam and his shoes are liable to come off if he runs. He later discovers that this is part of Grover’s disguise.

He often wears a “rasta-style” cap to cover his horns when his curly hair isn’t enough, and while they’re at Yancy, Percy believes that Grover is a normal kid with a muscle disorder that prevents him from running. Grover is in his early 20s, but he has the maturity level of a middle school student since satyrs only grow half as fast as humans do. Grover is a young satyr tasked with looking out for Percy at Yancy Academy.